How MyMovieRack finally got ‘Listed’ on the UHE*

5 min readAug 18, 2018

As a customer centric brand, we always strive towards providing convenience of carrying out actions, in our case maintaining a ledger of your consumption, as the major value proposition. In order to deliver the same, we have finally come up with a tool that lets users create lists of movies/TV shows or web-series and share it across the social circle. Try here.

UHE* = Users Heart Exchange

Roger Ebert “best of the year” movie lists from 1967 until 2012. Source

Product Management 101: develop for users

“understand what the users need and why they need it”

There are several solutions in the market, right from IMDB, to letterboxd to our very old Excel sheets which let users create and share a ‘list’ of movies. But what we really needed to understand was what was the need gap in the first place.
After performing several online and offline surveys, we came out with below findings:

Need aspect

  • Users want to discover more content, not only that is alike to what they already like or would like, but also experiment with new types of content which is not easily classified.
  • The user want to share or expose their knowledge about films, especially in case of niche genres or themes. Also, they would love to crowdsource such new findings too.
  • The users wanted to compare their library, tastes and consumption set or repertoire when comapared with that of other enthusiasts or experts

Pain Points:

  • Making large lists was a cumbersome process, required some form of intelligence assistance or automation for title resolution.
  • The list should be extensible if not dynamic(rule based)

Functional aspect:

  • Users wanted to keep a handy ledger of the movies they have already seen and which they would want to see
  • The list should be flexible and accomodate more than movies such as TV Shows and Web-series. People today watch more than just movies.
  • This list should be shareable, with optimized & consistent view across social channels and devices.

From such feedback, we had our tasks cutout. Simplicity was the key here and we had to make use of latest in advanced AI to deliver seamless experience which catered to above use cases, more than that is offered by any solution today.

Feature 18.4.1: Create Lists powered by AI

Users of Mymovierack can now, in simple steps, create lists of movies, TV shows and web-series; Below you can take a look at the simple process.

Exhibit 1: Simple Step guide to creating a List in MMR

Bulk Import your way to success, only available with MMR

Addressing the pain point with existing solutions where it is an highly cumbersome process to create large lists ( lists with large number of titles), we developed an automation and name resolution tool which lets users create lists in few steps, from a large list of titles name. Our engine resolves the names and also provides user assistance in resolving duplicate titles.

Exhibit 2: A quick process of creating long lists using bulk import

Once you are done, takes just few seconds, you can:

  • Share the list across social channels to inform friends and also establish your thought leadership when it comes to media & Entertainment.
  • Discover titles by the power of tags, identify similar movies and complete your collection.
  • Track your consumption my comparing watched percentage. Game up!
  • Sort and Filter lists by Date, Rating and Popularity.
  • Add to watchlist to get latest updates: trailer release, new episodes, sequel etc. for the franchise/season
  • Rate, Review or mark as favourite the movies you found interesting and wish to voice your opinion

How is it better for our users than other tools?

The key differentiator is the simplicity and effectiveness, powered by Artifial Intelligence, which other tools lack.

Exhibit 3: The List in full view with view count to reflect its engagements

One one had letterboxd doesn’t provide tv show and web sereies to be added into lists while, we all know, IMDB UX is cluncky at its best.

Exhibit 4: Searchable Tags, bookmarking/rating and also sorting capabilities

The list creation process is not only intutitive but is made highly convinient by use of Artificial Intelligence, which not only predicts the next title [WIP] you would want to add but also lets you discover lists that align to your own personal tastes or your the exploratory Captain Kirk in you. The List completion for your consumption can also be tracked, along with view count rates for virality.

Exhibit 5: Track how much have you watched of a particular set of titles in a list

Now you can get the recomemndation as a whole list, given the power of our proprietary tagging mechanism which is fed into out Artificial Engine to classify titles and cluster them for better recommedations.

Exhibit 6: List Recommendations powered by MMR daydreaMMMR AI Engine

As we move ahead…

Our next step is to provide more value to our user base and make them ‘stick’ to our platform. Given our recently acquired success with Machine Learning team, we are getting a step closer day by day towards realising our Movie recommendation bot or more of a close friend who understands you and your tastes and deliver you an experienece that you not only deserve but desire too.

Out other set of feature, you can look at them here.

Start creating you first list.

